Page name: Hide out 3rd floor [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-02 06:53:54
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Third floor

Bed rooms

Fern's bed room


Luki's bedroom


Haniko's bedroom


Loshya's bedroom


Seth's bedroom


Drake's bedroom


Rhett's bedroom


Mark's bedroom


Graham's bedroom


Desmond's bedroom


Blaze's bedroom


Blaine & Darryl's bedroom


Lilly's room


Nova's bedroom










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2013-01-30 [ancienteye]: Don't forget Luki, Nova and Chris.

2013-01-30 [Kbird]: Yeah it's not done....I have Luki's...I was freaking out because I could think of what one should be Aspens then I was like..-________- dah!

2013-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen doesn't get a room. She's a ghost. Sleep is pointless, and even if she could, she wouldn't need a bed to do so.

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: ...Which rooms belong to Lilly, Haniko, Rhett, Drake, and the Grecos?

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: CRAP!!! WE NEED MORE BED ROOM!!O.O

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: Only four more... Or should we have extras? :/

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: extras are always nice...Oh yeah we aren't getting a new memeber.

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: They decided not to join?

2013-02-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I wonder what changed their mind about joining

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: Hmm who knows but he said he changed his mind.

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361477552.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361477566.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361477660.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361477692.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361477724.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361477749.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361477764.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361477783.jpg>

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1361477952.jpg><img:stuff/aj/190343/1361477968.jpg><img:stuff/aj/190343/1361477982.jpg>

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: Do you have larger versions of the images?

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: I that they where supposed to be big...what rooms do you want?

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: Aside from the third, I can't really get a good look at the ones you put up. :/ But we now have 11 unclaimed bedrooms, not including the four already up there. That's seven extra rooms and eight to be claimed.

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: Hey Kbird? *curious* What room is Lilly's and why are Blaine and Darryl sharing a room?

2013-02-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: <img:!/photo.php?fbid=346459252127540&id=210874742352659&set=a.210902992349834.38430.210874742352659&relevant_count=1&refid=8&_ft_=qid.5847510671112412285%3Amf_story_key.2804986214020944428> I found this on facebook just now

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: Blaine:HEY WHY THE HECK I'm I STOCK WITH HIM?!!
Desmond:Because he freaks out if he doesn't get to sleep with someone.....and your the second youngest.

2013-02-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean*snickers from the shadows*

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: Aspen: O.O "...So the water demon /is/ a he..."
Fern: e_____________e

2013-02-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: Duh Aspen

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: Should I find an infirmary-type room for Drake to have on the first or second floor?

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: 2nd.
Darryl:Why did you call me a "HE"?
Desmond:I can't keep calling you "IT" can I?
Me:*sigh* I have to do a hour of back.

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: done

2013-02-21 [ancienteye]: Um... Lilly still needs a room. :/

2013-02-21 [Kbird]: oh yeah.

2013-02-22 [ancienteye]: I wrote these this morning so here's my reminder.
“We can’t stay here anymore. We’ll have to go underground.” Fern turned to her companions with tired eyes. “Graham: Tell the people about the Blood Games. What I did. And what Luki is planning. Don’t let anyone think either of us are saints by any stretch of the imagination. There’s no way I’ll have Luki benefit from the army we built. Mark: We can only pack the absolute essentials. Anything too bulky or recognizable has to stay. We’ll bring weapons and tools and such, but my larger gunsmithing equipment and the cage has to stay. I want the Grecos to take my perfumes and plant them in any room in which our scents would be prominent. As well as every entrance this building has. Find a way to make them break or detonate once we’re gone. They should be strong enough to disorient any scent-tracker… Also, I want all records or plans destroyed. Luki’s, Nova’s, and ours. This includes any maps. I don’t care who does it or how, I just want them unreadable and unrecoverable.

Fern observed her reflection in the mirror. Long blonde hair is too recognizable… She scooped her hair up into a ponytail and grabbed a pair of scissors. When she was done, her hair was about an inch too short to brush her shoulders. That should do for now.

2013-02-22 [ancienteye]: Wow, what?

2013-02-22 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: The reminder you left your self

2013-02-22 [ancienteye]: What was "wow" about it? I've done it before. :P

2013-02-22 [Kbird]: will be odd picturing Fern with short hair.hehe

2013-02-22 [ancienteye]: What do you think about Fern's little plan, Kbird? Should that be enough to buy them some time? :P

2013-02-22 [Kbird]: Yep! leave the cage.:)

2013-02-22 [ancienteye]: Inner Fern: *clings to cage* "...Goodbye." TT___TT
Outer Fern: "Let's get moving, people! No time for sentimentality!"

2013-02-22 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: So what is this reminder for and don't worry about the wow

2013-02-22 [Kbird]: I'm taking my mom to see ya later to night!

2013-02-22 [ancienteye]: For some reason it's easier for me to remember that I have a future post planned out on a Word document if I put in the comments. :P

2013-02-22 [ancienteye]: Later, Kbird.

2013-02-22 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Tell me what you think of this please.

Dean looks at his brother with a evil smile as black flames rise around him."This is where it ends Will. You and your new friends won't be leaving here alive,"Dean said as he fired several blasts from his flame gun behind Will blocking his escape path.

Will looks at Dean then at Jack and the others."I'm sorry that y'all got placed in the middle of this,"Will said as reddish-orange flames rose up around him."Sam make sure that no one gets hurt by mine and Dean's attacks."

"Don't worry about us dad just be sure to stay alive please," Sam said as he shifted into a 25ft tall fox demon and surrounded everyone with his tails and body.

Will and Dean both look at each other and fired their strongest blasts from their flame guns, with both attacks hitting at the same time and causing a massive explosion to engulf the whole area.

2013-02-22 [ancienteye]: You might have to edit it later depending on which characters are around at the time (refering to where you mention Jack being present), but aside from that, it's a good plan for a fight. =^_^=

2013-02-22 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: That wasn't the opening. It was kinda the ending in a way, besides I would never open a fight using a flame gun attack that powerful and Dean would've had his teammates clear out by then

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